Not quite the next day yet, but my brain is going again.
This sucks.
There is a reason why popular or cliche verses are so, and its cause they hold truth and strength that is the proof of the Living Word. I tend to do everything quickly and fast in my life. I like high-paced, busy and calendar full days. I need someone to bring me down, tell me to take a deep breath and relax.
I have finally gotten to the point, where I realize it is ok to be alone. But in order to get there, I had to get alone.
Today, I needed to sit back and take a deep breath, count my blessings and recognize that through it all, God was holding my hand. I might have gone kicking and screaming, but I could feel his grip never letting lose. I could feel the comfort of Him as He just smiled, grabbed tight onto my wrist and gently pulled me along. He knew I would look back and realize the valley was not so bad. That I may be a different person- but this is where He wanted me all along.
We think He is surprised by what happens in our lives. He isn't.
Tonight, I am reading this... slowly.
"Trust in the Lord and do good. (Breath)
Dwell in the Land and cultivate faithfulness. (Breath)
Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. (Breath)
commit your ways to Him, (Breath)
Trust also in Him, and He will do it." (Breath)
Psalm 37:3-4
Jesus, give me more of You and less of me.
thanks for the reminder laura :) it is true sometimes i get so caught up int he craziness of life that i forget to take time alone and just listen to what the Lord has for me :)