Before leaving Italy, we were informed of little of what we would be doing and participating in at the school. All we knew was we had a few nights to do whatever we wanted with the students, but nothing was mandatory for anyone to attend. So basically, we could of gotten there and all 180 students completely ignore us and the trip be awkward and pointless. Thank the Lord it was anything but.
Over those 7 days, we were part of a major work that the Lord is doing in a very dark country. As we ate four (yes four) meals a day, played dodge ball, prayed and worship with the students- our minds were opened to something we never would have expected. We were all enraptured into the lives of these people- and for some reason they grabbed onto us as well. Through out the week we had opportunities for the students to come and we would do worship (with a guitar, not an organ) and just share our hearts and lives- being completely open and available for whatever they needed. As I mentioned before- nothing was mandatory and was optional for everyone. Yet, every time we had an event- our jaws would drop and our hearts rejoiced as the students and staff pilled in.
I strive to write about the experience and the feelings that happened in Norway- but sometimes, words just can’t come. Sometimes you experience something so joyful and satisfying that you don’t even know how to explain it to yourself. You think about it- and you hit this wall of frustration cause you can’t express what is going on inside of you. All you can do is praise the Lord that He chose you. All I can do is thank Him for the privilege He gave everyone of us in going to Norway. I look back on all the people I met, all the encouragement I got and the fruit that came from our prayers- I see that I have no idea what I did. When we can sit back and look at the fruit of a work and not be able to see how it all came to pass- that is when you know it was anointed. I can honestly say- I could have been anyone. I did nothing. I am honored and astounded that the Lord would choose us to encourage the lives of the students.
Then he said to Him, ‘If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.’” Exodus 33:14-15
***check out the pictures on the website to your right.. there are a ton!!!!