Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Forgotten God

Currently I am reading the new book by Francis Chan called "Forgotten God" and ultimately the only adjective I can think of to describe it is mind blowing. Most would read the title of the book and question what he is talking about, but to have it spelled out and broken down to be brought to your face- that yes, the church and the Christian body as a whole has forgotten our God. We have forgotten the most powerful tool and essence of our God: the Holy Spirit.

  When I pick up the book, I always pick up the high lighter to go with it. I think the book is bathed in neon pink and yellow. Last nights reading was no different.

"I don't want my life to be explainable without the Holy Spirit. I want people to look at my life and know that I couldn't be doing this by my own power. I want to live in such a way that I am desperate for Him to come through. That if He doesn't come through, I am screwed..."

  What a challenge: to not have the markings of you on your own life. To have the complete earnest desire to see the Holy Spirit working in you and nothing of yourself. To take a step back from your own steps and see if you notice that the only reason life is going the way it is, is because your hand prints are not on it. 

"I deeply desire that the Spirit of God would do things that I know are not of me and that cannot be faked or accounted for by human reason."

Monday, August 30, 2010

Forgotten Mission

   A friend of mine from school asked me to write a devotion for his church newsletter. Of course i was willing to help out. Hope you are blessed:

We live in a world that is often a reminder of the sin that fills our days. The news and media are a constant reminders of the realm in which we are living. But, every once in awhile, you hear of the people whose light is able to defeat the darkness. We hear the stories and lives of the brave missionaries and courageous pastors who have made an eternal difference in our world. We read about the lives and follow the stories of men and women who have made a difference. And it begs the question- what about me?

The majority of us are just ordinary people. Our mission field is not in some foreign country or living in a slum. Most of us don’t spend our weeks preparing for a sermon that will affect people’s lives or write books about something spiritual that will benefit thousands. In actuality, we most likely work in an office full of lost people or go to a school full of hard hearts. Yet, the realization that our “ordinary” lives are a mission field placed in front of us by the Lord Himself is one that we cannot ignore. We may be ordinary people, but we have been given an extraordinary gift. That gift is the Holy Spirit, living inside each of us.

We cannot step outside our front door without the eternal mindset of knowing the commandment that was given “to go and make disciples.” Going doesn’t necessarily mean to a foreign country or even leaving your everyday routine. It just means we must realize that we were given a commission and that we cannot allow our lives go on without the hand-print of our Lord Jesus.
“Then he said, ‘If YOUR presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.’”
 Exodus 33:15

Thursday, August 26, 2010

No Words of My Own

 I have been trying for weeks to get it all down on paper, in words or just simply to have it all make sense. But God is bigger then my finite mind or my measly thoughts, and I can take comfort in that.

As a result, I am going to let someone else talk for a change. This is Stuart's view point on our trip to Ireland and I am glad I didnt taint it with my words.

(If it is too small to read, click on it and it will become bigger)

For more Moments Captured and even more

Friday, August 20, 2010

Most used phrase running through my mind

"The diet will start tomorrow"

Today, I need to learn self control and stop being lazy.

Getting back from vacation is hard.

Im hungry.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


     My love of images started young. I got my first big girl camera when I was at the young age of 11. It was under the Christmas tree and I was oblivious to the eye that would develop from that one gift. My parents were wise (as usual) and decided to give me my dads old 35mm camera from college. To them, it might have been more of a financial stick that caused it, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I learned how to place the new roll of film in the back of the case and turn the nob just so,waiting for the clicking sound to tell me it was ready to go. I learned that manual focus is tricky and sometimes its necessary to get in uncomfortable positions to capture the perfect image. Overall, I was pretty terrible, but I loved it. I would walk around our neighborhood, barefoot and wide-eyed, taking pictures of strangers gardens and any bug or creature I could find. Through high school and college my active pursuit came and went, but the eye was always there. Taking mental pictures in my mind and having crazy ideas of what would be if I had a willing friend and a camera at my side.

All that to say, 11 years after my first taste, I am still that barefoot, wide-eyed girl who looks for possible moments captured. I guess somethings are always there.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


My moleskins are full of notes and observations. My heart is overflowing with a mixture of feelings and emotions. My head is swarming with memories and sometimes I find myself giggling out loud- even when I am alone. Needless to say Ireland made an impression.

Its only been a few days the processing of the trip has taken place and I can feel it all coming together soon. I am still trying to get my head back to Tallahassee and my life here. Ten days away in another life makes it difficult to come back to reality.

I will have stories and images and laughter coming soon. For now, enjoy a moment captured.